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.41 Special Ammo Available From Top Online Retailers

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.41 Special

41 Special Ammo For Sale From Various Ammo Vendors

The .41 Special is a wildcat cartridge designed for revolvers, made to be a less powerful variant of the established .41 Remington Magnum. The cartridge was intended for police work and personal defense, using a 200-grain bullet at 900 feet per second.  While proposed as early as 1955, the cartridge remains a niche, custom affair.

Keith and Bill Jordan later proposed the .41 Magnum cartridge, which was formally adopted by Remington Arms in 1964. Thus counter to common practice, a "magnum" offering was standardized before a weaker "special" variant was ever introduced.

In the 1980s pistolsmith Hamilton Bowen revived the idea of a 200gr bullet at 900fps in his custom designs.

About .41 Special

  • Type: Revolver
  • Place of origin United: States
  • Production: History
  • Designed: 1963, 1980s

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